Error messages

This document explains the error codes that can occur during a transaction and the scenarios in which they might happen. These codes help identify the specific reason a transaction failed.

Transaction Error Codes



Failed to verify the signature of the Asset Rights Token Metadata (ARTM).

This error occurs when the signature on the ARTM message is invalid or cannot be verified. This could happen if the ARTM message is tampered with, the signing key is incorrect, or there's an issue with the signature verification process.


The provided nonce (a unique value used to prevent replay attacks) is invalid.

This error occurs when the provided nonce value is invalid. It could be because the nonce has already been used in a previous transaction (replay attack), the nonce value is not formatted correctly, or it's missing entirely.


An error occurred while processing the transaction on the Neptune network.

This error indicates a problem with processing the transaction on the underlying Neptune network. This could be due to network issues, errors on the Neptune side, or invalid transaction data sent to the network.


Failed to update the nonce value.

This error occurs when there's an issue updating the system's internal nonce value after a successful transaction. This is typically an internal system error and might require further investigation.


The ARTM message could not be parsed correctly.

This error occurs when the system cannot understand the format of the ARTM message. This could happen if the message is corrupted, missing required fields, or contains invalid data.


The ownership of the asset could not be validated.

This error occurs when the system cannot verify that the sender of the transaction is the rightful owner of the asset involved. This could be due to missing ownership information, invalid ownership claims, or conflicting ownership records.


The attempted operation is not allowed for this type of transaction.

This error occurs when the user tries to perform an action that's not allowed for the specific transaction type.


An asset cannot have multiple node parents.

This error occurs when a transaction tries to assign an asset multiple parent nodes, which is not allowed in the system.


The provided signature is invalid.

This error occurs when the signature on the transaction is invalid or cannot be verified. This could be similar to FAIL_ARTM_VALIDATION but might apply to signatures on other parts of the transaction data.


The type of asset is not allowed in this context.

This error occurs when the transaction involves an asset type that's not allowed for the specific operation. For example, trying to assign an SFT as a parent asset.


The maximum balance has already been allocated for the Security Fungible Token (SFT).

This error occurs specifically for SFTs (Semi-Fungible Tokens) and indicates that the transaction would exceed the maximum allowed balance for that particular SFT.


The chosen path is already in use on the parent asset.

This error occurs when a transaction tries to assign a path to an asset that's already in use by another child asset under the same parent. This ensures a hierarchical structure with unique paths for child assets.


The information provided for linking assets failed validation.

This error occurs when the information provided for linking assets (like target asset or link type) is invalid or doesn't meet the system's requirements.


The asset is already linked.

This error occurs when a transaction tries to link an asset that's already linked to another asset. Linking can only be done once for an asset.

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