Swap Accessories

Swap involves both unlinking and linking operations within a single transaction.


Asset Registry Transaction Message (ARTM) describes the standard approach for parsing updates to the off-chain Asset Register database. One ARTM can describe multiple sequential operations on the Asset Register.

    type: 'asset-link',
    action: 'delete',
    args: [
      // Operator
      // Opearand A: Boxer Asset ID
      // Opearand B: Brain Asset ID - 21
    type: 'asset-link',
    action: 'create',
    args: [
      // Opearand B: Brain Asset ID - 22

The user must own both assets to swap unless it is an off-chain asset, where only the creator of the child asset can swap. Swap between assets owned on a FuturePass account and FuturePass account owner EOA is allowed. As long as the ownership resolution is satisfied, accessories can also be swapped across chains.

import {
} from '@futureverse/asset-register-react/v2'

const unlinkOperation = {
  type: 'asset-link',
  action: 'delete',
  args: [

const linkOperation = {
  type: 'asset-link',
  action: 'create',
  args: [

const LinkAccessory = ({ address }) => {
  const {
    reactQuery: { refetch: getARTM },
  } = useGetARTM(
    { enabled: false },

  const { submitAsync, transaction } = useSignAndSubmitTransaction()

  const submitARTM = async () => {
    const { data: artm } = await getARTM()
    if (!artm) {
    return submitAsync({ artm })

  return (
    <button onClick={submitARTM}></button>

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