
Futureverse Auth UI allows developers to use an optional ready-to-use UI solution with a handy modal that includes all the prebuilt functionalities for login/signup options. It also allows complete customization to meet diverse application needs.


  • Plug-and-play component

  • Customizable Theme

Plug and Play Modal

Developers who opt to use the plug-and-play modal will need to import, set up, and wrap their children's components with FutureverseAuthUiProvider. It enables the Auth UI sign-in model to be shown. The modal exposes all the Web3 / Custodial Web2 options and handles connecting.


import { AuthUiProvider, type ThemeConfig } from '@futureverse/auth-ui';

// Theme customized example
const customThemeConfig: ThemeConfig = {
  defaultAuthOption: 'web3',
  images: {
    logo: '<optional logo svg / image>',
    backgroundImage: '<optional background image>',

    <AuthUiProvider authClient={authClient} themeConfig={customThemeConfig}>

Customisation of the Auth UI is achievable through the Theme Config.

signInFlow in authClient

Developers who opt to use the Auth UI plug-and-play modal also must update the authClient configuration, which was previously shown in the FutureverseAuthClient section. The authClient must include a signInFlow parameter and 'popup' option as its value.


export const authClient = new FutureverseAuthClient({
  environment: 'staging',
  redirectUri: 'http://localhost:3000/fp',
  signInFlow: 'popup',

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