Blueprint Creation (UBF)

Universal Blueprint Framework

UBF is a platform-agnostic collection of systems and tooling for the interpretation of assets and any associated data at runtime on demand. UBF currently focuses on the rendering of composable assets.

UBF is a collection of systems and tooling (a framework and a standard) that acts as a middleman between an asset creator and a collection of game engines that ultimately enables engine-agnostic asset interoperability in a way that itself is obscured from the creator.

Framework Breakdown

The collection of systems and applications is made up of:

  • UBF Studio - A standalone application in which an asset creator can create and iterate on asset blueprints to define simple or complex logic which determines how their asset is built. This is done via a custom visual scripting language that produces a serialized output that is platform-agnostic.

  • Interpreter - A plugin/package for each game engine/stack, which takes a generated blueprint and is in charge of deserializing and executing it in an engine-specific way. This is the plugin that will be distributed and injected into any experiences which look to render out any assets created in the UBF framework.

Coming soon

UBF Creator Toolkit will be available in 2025. Express your interest in being part of the closed beta group by getting in touch with

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