Search and Filter Collectibles

This section provides you with the tools to efficiently manage and retrieve collectibles data. Here's a brief overview of what you'll find:

  • Basic Filtering: Filter collectibles based on ownership and collection criteria, allowing you to retrieve items owned by specific users or belonging to particular collections.

  • Comparative Filtering: Advanced filtering techniques, including direct equal comparisons, property existence filter queries, and text searches, to narrow down your results more precisely.

  • Pagination: Handle large datasets effectively by implementing pagination, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience even when dealing with extensive amounts of collectibles data.

Basic Filtering

Filter Collectibles owned by a user and collection

Retrieve collectibles owned by a user


addresses (optional)

A list of addresses used to query assets.



collectionIds (optional)

A list of collection IDs to filter assets on the addresses provided.



Since both the above properties are optional you can use the independently or together based on the use case. For example filtering using addresses and collectionIds will return all the collectibles in the specified collections owned by the addresses.

import React from 'react'
import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { ChainAddress } from '@futureverse/asset-register/types'
import { useAssets } from '@futureverse/asset-register-react/v2'
import { useFuturePassAccountAddress } from '@futureverse/react'

// React component to render all collectibles owned by a FuturePass user logged in.
export const AssetList = () => {
  // Get EOA address
  const { address } = useAccount()
  // Get FV address
  const { data: fpAccount } = useFuturePassAccountAddress()
  const {
  } = useAssets(
      first: 1000,
      addresses: [address as ChainAddress, fpAccount as ChainAddress],
    { enabled: !!fpAccount && !!address },
  if (!assets) {
    return null

  return (
      { => <Asset key={} asset={asset} />)}

Comparative Filtering

In addition to address and collection-based filtering, further filtering can be done using a direct equal comparison of values, values that fit in a specified range or even a direct text search.

Filter Types


The name property is used to target the correct item to filter. The equal filter must take a string property as the value, even if the targeted property is a number.

    "name":"Fur Colour",


The has filter simply filters assets based on the existence of a specific property or attribute in their metadata during querying.

"hasFilters": ["description"],

The search filter simply takes a string value to search across all the properties and attributes in the metadata.

"search": "Freedom"

Filter Targeting

We don't need to specify whether the target is an attribute or a property; the filter function handles this automatically.

By traits (aliased as attributes)

Filter through the attributes

e.g. Fur Colour, Age

By properties

Filter through properties on the metadata


An example of a filter expression will look like the following for the above trait and property filters when put together:

         "name":"Fur Colour",
import React from 'react'
import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { ChainAddress } from '@fv-asset-registry/common'
import { useAssets } from '@futureverse/asset-register-react'
import { useFuturePassAccountAddress } from '@futureverse/react'

// React component to render all collectibles owned by a FuturePass user logged in.
export const AssetList = () => {
  // Get EOA address
  const { address } = useAccount()
  // Get FV address
  const { data: fpAccount } = useFuturePassAccountAddress()
  const {
  } = useAssets(
      first: 1000,
      addresses: [address as ChainAddress, fpAccount as ChainAddress],
      filter: {
        eqFilters: [
            name: "Fur Colour",
            value: "Freedom"
        hasFilters: [
        search: "Blue"
    { enabled: !!fpAccount && !!address },
  if (!assets) {
    return null

  return (
      { => <Asset key={} asset={asset} />)}


Large amounts of collectibles can be returned during querying, this section will help you manage the results to provide better UX to your users.

By default, the Assets Query will return 10 results.

Throughout the API we use Relay compliant pagination.

Page Information

This means we allow the following properties in pageInfo:

  • endCursor - The cursor of the last item returned

  • nextPage - The cursor for the start of the next page (This is the same as endCursor)

  • startCursor - The cursor of the first element retrieved

  • hasNextPage - If there are more pages of data

  • hasPreviousPage - If there is a previous page of data (Not supported)

In Query Arguments

When running a paginated query the following properties in the query arguments are available:

  • after - The cursor to start from. Typically this would be the endCursor from a previous query

  • first - The amount of items that you are requesting to be returned


import React from 'react'
import { useAccount } from 'wagmi'
import { ChainAddress } from '@fv-asset-registry/common'
import { useAssets } from '@futureverse/asset-register-react'
import { useFuturePassAccountAddress } from '@futureverse/react'

// React component to render all collectibles owned by a FuturePass user logged in.
export const AssetList = () => {
  const {
  } = useAssets(
      first: 1000,
      after: "NA=="
  if (!assets) {
    return null

  return (
      { => <Asset key={} asset={asset} />)}

Last updated