Xaman Wallet Integration

Starting from version 1.1.0 Xaman Wallet is one of the authentication options available to all experiences. The authentication is handled automatically by this SDK. See below for signing and sending transactions.

Asset management

An integral part of any experience is being able to fetch assets that a user owns and allowing them to interact with them within an experience.

Users may fetch assets and token balances by utilising available hooks within the @futureverse/react library or manually through the FV graph. All react hooks have been built using an apollo query interface and allow for caching, custom configuration and more.

We recommend using useTrnApi hook and follow the types and JSDocs for signing and sending transactions. The SDK automatically recognises the authentication type and handles the wallet connection and blockchain interaction.


  • Use hooks within @futureverse/react library

  • Alternatively, use the FV graph directly

Display balance

  • Use hooks with @futureverse/react to retrieve token balances and display them how you like

  • Alternatively, use the FV graph directly


  • Wagmi/Web3 JS

  • TRN /polkadot client

  • Use useTrnApi hook and its methods

Sending - coming soon

  • Wagmi/Web3 JS

  • TRN /polkadot client

  • Use useTrnApi hook and its methods

useTrnApi hook

A helper hook that can be used to interact with The Root Network. refer useTrnApi.

Last updated



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